A downloadable game

Bunny vs Wolf is a cute, local 2-player competitive game made in LOVE2D. One player is the bunny, trying to eat carrots, and one player is the wolf, trying to eat the bunny. The bunny can avoid the wolf by running through the rabbit tunnels. The first player to 10 points (or, the highest score in 2 minutes) wins.

Update 8/29

New version of Bunny vs Wolf!

Added sound effects, added LUNGE ability for wolf (5 second cooldown), made wolf and bunny have the same running speed. Also, since the carrots are almost as big as the bunny, the bunny now needs half a second in order to eat the carrots. Let me know what you think of the new version!


Design and programming - eleniel

Wolf and Bunny sprites by Redshrike via OpenGameArt.org

Grass tile by shurt via OpenGameArt.org

Sounds via freesound.org

Special thanks to LOVE2D, Kateri, and the folks at Philly Dev Night~


BunnyVsWolf.zip 2 MB

Install instructions

Windows users can run the included .exe file immediately. Other platform users will need to install love version 0.9.0 and use it to run the .love file.